Lohan has taped her appearance a day earlier. Wearing a satin black jumpsuit, she was spotted on the set on Monday, April 25, various reports say. She is reportedly a late addition to Tuesday's show, knocking Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth, who was a scheduled guest, to another date.
The Associated Press further learns that Lohan received a standing ovation from the crowd during the interview. As for what will be discussed during the show, a source says she will talk about her court appearance and brief jailing Friday, her family and what she's learned from her experiences. Lohan reportedly told host Jay Leno she found the sentence "shocking" and said it her left her "kind of numb."
Also, the 24-year-old actress will allegedly confirm her role in upcoming
Lohan was recently sentenced to 120 days in jail and 480 hours of community service for violating her DUI probation. She, however, remains free on bail pending an appeal of her jail sentence. The "Machete" beauty will additionally stand trial on a reduced misdemeanor charge of stealing a necklace on June 3, and is expected to return to court for a hearing on May 11.