The Parents Television Council (PTC) has a bone to pick with Britney Spears and Rihanna. The pop tarts’ raunchy performance of the collaboration “S&M Remix” during ABC’s Billboard Music Awards last weekend blurred the lines between “sluttery” and decency, according to the media watchdog group, most famous for its axe-grinding against hit shows like Gossip Girl and Glee.
The pair performed the hit single at the live event in Las Vegas on Sunday dressed in onesies and adorned with handcuffs and chains. The girls even shared a smooch that was quickly censored by broadcasters. It’s not the first time Rihanna’s scantily-clad stage presence coupled with “S&M’s” heavy sexual overtones have gotten the singer into hot water. The video for the single was banned from broadcast in a host of countries and Rihanna’s performance on Britain’s X Factor earlier this spring was deemed so inappropriate the show found itself the subject of an investigation by media censors in the UK.